Toilet Training

Understanding Toilet Training
Puppies and their nest or whelping area are kept incredibly clean by their mother. As puppies get a little older and become more mobile, they will naturally move away from their bedding area in order to eliminate. This early training by the bitch is often void, if as humans we do not aid in assisting what the puppies already know. When puppies go an extended period of time without the alternate option or a suitable spot to eliminate, they will use whichever place seems appropriate in the time of need. Understanding and persevering through these stages can be annoying, but will be worth it in the long run.
Do not punish or make an extreme response to these accidents, the puppy is doing something natural after all (just not in the right place). It is pointless to punish a dog for soiling in the house. Any correction given or made three seconds or more after the incident, will confuse the puppy as the correction will not be associated with the incident.
Problem behaviour can be a result of overreacting to these accidents made by your puppy. Harsh responses to these little accidents can be even more trouble. Instead of understanding that you are opposed to soiling whilst inside the house, it can easily be mistaken and your pup may think you are against defecating and urinating in general, and may become reluctant to 'go' whenever you are around. A puppy is more likely to eliminate in the incorrect spot if they are confused or anxious, and may go 'toilet' when you are away, or hide and find a secret place to go to, creating more issues with house training.
If you do happen to catch the puppy in the midst of the act, pick them up and rush outside whilst saying "outside, outside, outside" and reward and praise your pooch for going outdoors. If you do not catch them in the act, you must simply ignore the incident, grit your teeth and be nice to your pup as they rush to greet you.
What about at night, or when I am not around?
At night even when you're not around, this is prime time to offer alternative toilet training methods to your puppy. I prefer to use a play pen to create a den like space, but you can get the same effect by using a laundry or bathroom area with the door closed. Prepare the designated area with sleeping quarters (a bed or a crate lined with blankets will do great), a bowl of water, and line the remainder of the pen with Piddle Pads (or similar) or even a square of astro-turf. As your puppy will not want to mess his or her bedding area, they will eliminate on the pads or astro-turf. You can begin to eliminate the amount of floor covered, eventually just leaving one Piddle Pad or astro-turf square/Pet Potty. Before bedtime, take your puppy outside in order to allow them to eliminate on the grass. Praise your puppy when they do so, then place them in their puppy pen or designated area. First thing in the morning take your puppy outside, to again give them the opportunity to go outside on the grass. Praise and reward them when they do so. This should decrease the chances of them needing to eliminate throughout the night. Your puppy will learn to either go outside when they need to eliminate, or if they don't have access to outdoors they will return to their den area to use the Piddle Pads or astro-turf provided.
Puppies and their nest or whelping area are kept incredibly clean by their mother. As puppies get a little older and become more mobile, they will naturally move away from their bedding area in order to eliminate. This early training by the bitch is often void, if as humans we do not aid in assisting what the puppies already know. When puppies go an extended period of time without the alternate option or a suitable spot to eliminate, they will use whichever place seems appropriate in the time of need. Understanding and persevering through these stages can be annoying, but will be worth it in the long run.
Do not punish or make an extreme response to these accidents, the puppy is doing something natural after all (just not in the right place). It is pointless to punish a dog for soiling in the house. Any correction given or made three seconds or more after the incident, will confuse the puppy as the correction will not be associated with the incident.
Problem behaviour can be a result of overreacting to these accidents made by your puppy. Harsh responses to these little accidents can be even more trouble. Instead of understanding that you are opposed to soiling whilst inside the house, it can easily be mistaken and your pup may think you are against defecating and urinating in general, and may become reluctant to 'go' whenever you are around. A puppy is more likely to eliminate in the incorrect spot if they are confused or anxious, and may go 'toilet' when you are away, or hide and find a secret place to go to, creating more issues with house training.
If you do happen to catch the puppy in the midst of the act, pick them up and rush outside whilst saying "outside, outside, outside" and reward and praise your pooch for going outdoors. If you do not catch them in the act, you must simply ignore the incident, grit your teeth and be nice to your pup as they rush to greet you.
What about at night, or when I am not around?
At night even when you're not around, this is prime time to offer alternative toilet training methods to your puppy. I prefer to use a play pen to create a den like space, but you can get the same effect by using a laundry or bathroom area with the door closed. Prepare the designated area with sleeping quarters (a bed or a crate lined with blankets will do great), a bowl of water, and line the remainder of the pen with Piddle Pads (or similar) or even a square of astro-turf. As your puppy will not want to mess his or her bedding area, they will eliminate on the pads or astro-turf. You can begin to eliminate the amount of floor covered, eventually just leaving one Piddle Pad or astro-turf square/Pet Potty. Before bedtime, take your puppy outside in order to allow them to eliminate on the grass. Praise your puppy when they do so, then place them in their puppy pen or designated area. First thing in the morning take your puppy outside, to again give them the opportunity to go outside on the grass. Praise and reward them when they do so. This should decrease the chances of them needing to eliminate throughout the night. Your puppy will learn to either go outside when they need to eliminate, or if they don't have access to outdoors they will return to their den area to use the Piddle Pads or astro-turf provided.